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Fan Mail

I recently posted an email from Jane in England - she's yet to experience my books, however she raved about them in anticipation. Then, I received an email from a guy I met while we were both sitting out a summer downpour at Boxer's Cafe in Huntingdon. He overheard me talking about my books and jumped in to tell me that he was there that day because of them.
A day later, I met him and his wife for a ride to Elk Creek Cafe. With few options to get there, and both being hard-core motorcyclists (they own 11 between the two of them - and they both race!) who ride a lot, I had to dig deep into my bag of tricks to try and surprise them with roads they didn't know. I was successful, and we had a wonderful ride and dinner that evening.
I asked him if he would comment on their experience, thinking he would write a sentence or two. This is what I got.
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I receive many wonderful emails, but this collection is very special. Not only were they from "across the pond," but they're so encouraging to me and hopefully to you because of how going LOCAL! is changing the landscape of eating and drinking in central PA. And, from the writer's perspective, completely changing the landscape of PA itself! I can only hope our state tourist office finds this posting! :^)
Click the Keep Reading link below to read on. Enjoy!
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Volume 2 Now Available at a Locally Owned Bookstore
Theil Kauffman, owner of Friendship Bookstore is cool. Why, because he recognizes the beauty of supporting local authors. His place is primarily a Christian bookstore, but when I asked if he would be interested in carrying my book, he said "Yes!" right away. Cool? You bet! If you live in Burnham or the Lewistown area and want a copy of my book, PLEASE go to Friendship to buy it. Thanks!
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I need your help

Hi Friends and Fans of going LOCAL!,
I need your help. I'm trying to put together a press release and bio for my going LOCAL! book series.
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